NOTE: The cartoon above was adapted from one by Mike Luckovich by the science blogger with the nom de plume (nom de fur?) Eli Rabett. He has a good post on the hacked emails here. Related Posts: .... Who broke into the hotel room? What were they trying to do? And for the cover-up, What did they know and when did they know it? Those should be the questions about HackerGate. Who hacked the emails, for whom were they stolen, who knew about the crime, and when did they know ...
Dne 15.8.2009 jsme se okolo poledního vydali opět jako loni směr jižní Čechy a to přesně RZ Lučkovice.Celý týden bylo parádní počasí až na ten vítr, který jsme potřebovali a nebyl.Jinak bylo parno až se to mnohdy ani nedalo. ...